中新网11月19日电 据“微言教育”微信公众号消息,11月19日,教育部党组在北京交通大学宣布了有关任免决定,陈子季同志任北京交通大学党委书记,王稼琼同志不再担任北京交通大学党委书记职务。教育部党组成员、副部长、总督学王嘉毅出席会议并讲话。北京市委教育工委有关负责同志出席会议并讲话,教育部人事司主要负责同志出席会议。
"Brazil and China have broad prospects for cooperation, and I regard my Chinese friends as brothers and sisters." Adair Caneiro, Chairman of Federation Chambers of Foreign Trade (FCCE) of Brazil, told China News Network. He said that China is Brazil's largest trading partner, and the friendship between the two countries is continuously deepening. The Brazilian people have a great affection for the Chinese people, and the business takes place in China is worth learning from.