近日,美国华人、旧金山都板街舞团成员赵碧华回到家乡广东台山斗山镇浮石村然庐祖屋寻根,然庐祖屋建于20世纪30年代,至今依旧保存完好。75岁的赵碧华在美国出生长大,可以说一口流利的台山话,在祖屋她与邻里围坐一起用台山话拉家常,品尝家乡的鸡仔饼。她还走进母亲曾经生活过的房间,触摸母亲曾使用过的橱柜、衣柜和梳妆台,不禁红了眼眶。(赵碧华 李坤荣 视频制作 刘鹏)
“以前,我的朋友从亚的斯亚贝巴前往吉布提市要花费3天时间,如今只用了11或者12个小时。整趟旅途也很安全。”近日,埃塞俄比亚外交事务研究所总干事莫拉库(Melaku Mulualem)在接受中新网记者采访时,对亚吉铁路极为称道。莫拉库还表示,这些年来,埃塞俄比亚同中国展开了一系列合作,包括共建“一带一路”倡议、签署绿色低碳发展合作文件等,都为当地民众带去了实实在在的好处。(甘甜)
“My friend used to travel for 3 days from Addis Ababa to Djibouti city, but now within 11 or 12 hours(via the railway) and with safety also.”said Melaku Mulualem, training director general at the Institute of Foreign Affairs in an interview with China News Network recently.
Mulualem added that over the years, Ethiopia and China have carried out cooperation programs under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) and promoting green and low-carbon development, which have brought a lot of benefits to local people.(Gan Tian)