中新网11月22日电 据中央气象台网站消息,明天开始,随着寒潮的到来并逐步深入我国,各地较为平静的天气形势将会被陆续打破。预计23日至27日,大部地区气温将普遍下降6~10℃,西北地区东部、内蒙古、华北北部、东北等地的部分地区气温降幅可达12℃以上;大部地区并伴有4~6级风、阵风7~9级。其中,23日寒潮将率先影响新疆、西北地区东部一带,24日起会东移南下影响中东部地区。寒潮影响过后,28日前后最低气温0℃线将南压至长江中下游一带。
2024年是中法建交60周年,法国国立工艺学院教授、欧洲教育与社会政策研究所所长让-克洛德·鲁阿诺-伯巴兰(Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan)在接受中国新闻网采访时表示,法中两国间有共性,也有很多差异。他认为,法中两国需要加强对话,理解彼此的异同,在共性与差异之间寻找平衡。(巩微微)
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations. To seek common interests, discussing differences and similarities between China and France is tremendously important for bilateral cooperation, Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan, professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers and director of the European Institute of Education and Social Policy, told China News Network.
He noted that China and France need to conduct exchange in cultural terms and even the development of humanity, seeking balance betweeen the different and the common, which is essential for enhancing mutual understanding toward cooperation. (Gong Weiwei)